We celebrated Eliana's first birthday on Sunday, Dec. 5th. We had Grandma Bennett, Mike & Krista, and our three girls there at the party.
Susan ordered the cutest cake! Ellie had her own mini-cake to destroy all by herself.
She mainly dug a hole in the side and seemed to like the taste. She ended up with quite a bit of frosting in her hair--so she went right into the bathtub before opening her presents.
Here is Ellie in her PJs playing with her loot!
We don't get many chances to take a full family photo these days--so I was thrilled to get this one!
And here's a random shot of Ellie asleep in her jumparoo. (She fell asleep while I was right next to her, taking a bath. I promise I don't just l leave her in there for hours at a time!)
I'm pretty sure that Ellie will be scarred for life. The Santa at our ward Christmas party was a little too scary, I guess.
Ellie participated in her daycare center's Christmas program. (Well, as much as 1 year old can participate anyway.):
I was so excited to have my mom and grandma come to visit this past weekend. Here is a 4 generation photo for Ellie's scrapbook!
We are excited for Christmas to come! Now if it would just stop raining before half of Mesquite washes away...
So I am usually not a sappy person but I have to tell you that when you sang Silent Night at church on Sunday it was like an angel was singing. Did you notice how the congregation went absolutely silent even the kids? Your voice is so clear and pure and you truly touched my heart. Ok enough sappy, that's really not me....Have a Merry Christmas!