Sunday, March 20, 2011

March Madness

More like March sickness.

Ellie got tubes in put in her ears on March 2nd to hopefully reduce the number of ear infections she has. A week after her surgery she caught a virus--nasty cold/flu with vomiting and the works. She followed that up with a really horrible ear infection. The antibiotics are helping and she's feeling much better the last couple of days. Poor Ellie. She just can't seem to catch a break.

We are pretty sure these ear infections have affected her development. She is very small for her age. She doesn't walk well yet--just a few steps at a time, and usually when we are encouraging her. She doesn't say many words consistently. But she can sign a lot of words now. She knows sign language for: eat, all done, juice, milk, water, more, bath, cat, dog, horse, cow, fish, rabbit, duck, bird, etc. She waves hi, and bye, and blows kisses.

Ellie loves her new ride-on bumper car, and is addicted to some toddler friendly apps on my new iphone.

Here are some pictures we've taken over the last few weeks:

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

15 months

Ellie is 15 months. She can walk with encouragement, but still chooses to crawl to get around.

Poor Ellie has been plagued by ear infections, but we finally had tubes put in her ears. Fingers crossed that does the trick. The doctor said that having your ears blocked with fluid often affects balance (walking) and hearing (talking). I'm hoping that Ellie will start to do more walking and talking now!

Here is Ellie with her Dad at a local Arts function.

Ellie graduated from her rear facing baby carrier car seat to a new forward facing big girl car seat. She gets so excited when we pass someone walking their dog!